Monday, June 11, 2007

I wanna sleep-Part I

You never realize the importance of sleep until you are deprived of it. I am presently in my office doing a night shift. Not having slept for about 48 hours. I will do anything to get a bed, to run to my room, for my pillow. I will murder , steal do anything. Wish I was a six foot two inch guy who could go back home at three in the night . Sleep deprivation is considered equal to having a certain concentration of alchohol in your blood. So I am literally on a high now. Anyone who wants to know who my latest crush is, mail me in an hour . I will reply the plain truth. And then you have orkut to research on him. As if anyone bothers!! P.S: Took off the email id , as the 2 hrs got over long back and no prizes for late entries.


Booker said...

my goodness, you ARE sleep deprived aren't you? I'm sorry...

Deepak said...

So i presume you would have reached home now and are having a great time with your pillow. Sweet dreams.

... and blog about the dream when you get back. :)

Bullshee said...

I see the effects of sleep deprivation seeping through those words! you have just invited the world to question you on your love life!!!

I'm typing my query as soon as I finish this comment!

arpana said...

hmmm ... not waiting to question you on ur mail, Im g-talking you this instant :)

Anonymous said...

Lotsa sleep deprived people roaming the blogging world....?!?!

As far as nasia's latest crush is concerned... well..... hmmmmm.... lemme see....
she made me promise that i wouldnt reveal anything in my comment :(

Gal i have kept up my word ...

cm chap said...

Hey Nasia... Sleep deprived but still talkg abt ur Crush.. Hmm.. So as I told n one my previous comments u got one BF??? or still in the crush level only.

Why u want to pull the leg of guys like me who r 6ft3inch... If ur also 6ft+ u will have more problems sitg n ofis for 48 hrs... So be happy.

Nasia said...

@Dj: Thanks for understanding!!

@Deepak Sir: Didnt sleep well yest too, some fools rang me up and had to rush to the internet cafe.

@Bullshee: Sorry Dear, you read it a little late.Stop drinking and try staying awake one whole night you might not need alchohol again.

@arpz: You got the answer, though u asked me late. :-)I trust you even in my senses

@Lavan: Thanks for keeping yr promise.And sorry for you having to see his face on my mobile wallpaper day in and day out.

@Cm-chap: I was drowsy , hence i spoke about it and Boy friend no way!! This thing`s gonna die as a crush, no level jumping.Ok point noted CM-Chap is 6ft 3 ;-)

cm chap said...

Ha ha..Thanks for noting it

arpana said...

dont worry ... ur secret is safe and sealed.

Thanku said...

when you told that u r having sleepless nights i never thought it was that serious...some people loose their sleep when something good happens..some others when something bad happens...anyway am happy that it was because of the first case ..congrats..who is that unlucky guy with whom you are in love .. the rest of the man kingdom its time for you to party..

Nasia said...

@arpana : Thanks arpz

@Thanku aka Sankaran : I was doing my night shifts, hence lack of sleep GRRRR!! and .I AM NOT IN LOVE!!Oh God!!
Rest of the man kind neednt mourn i am still single!!! Hahahah!!

Princess Banter said...

Doesnt that suck? Sleep is something you can never stock up on... but u need to catch up on!

Zee said...

i sleep in office everyday..........despite a good 8 hour sleep at night!!!

Bullshee said...

Ok, now I pissed! Lavan knows and Aprz knows! I seem to be the only one outta the picture!! Unfair!!
But the mobile wallpaper gives me a fair idea that its someone bollywoody....or could be someone you took a camera pick of-some one close, who wud let you take a pick.....let me make a list!!!

Bullshee said...

in previous comment, I meant to say now 'I'm pissed'......grrrrrr.....I hate stupid typos!

prabhanjan said...

i missed the chance man.The next time you're sleep deprived, just lemme know..will prepare a KBC sized questionaire;)

† And then u shall rest in peace. AIM-men.

Anoop said...

even i sleep in office after having a good sleep at home

raghav said...

missed this post .. don't have to ask u about ur latest crush wen u are sleep deprived .. u wil say that any time na .. ;)


Nasia said...

@princess: I m replying on another sleepless night. Again its equal to 48 hrs now. YES IT SUCKS!!!

@Zee: I have started to sleep in office.Rather i sleep off..

@Bullshee: bullshee pissed.. hehheh.. Have been giggling all to myself thinking of this one. And as long as the number of my comments goes up i dont mind u making typos.:-)

@Prabhanjan: You ask me anytime buddy! For u i neednt be sleep deprived to tell the truth. :-)

@Anoop: Do u sleep peacefully with all yr studying? I dont think so

@Raghav: Thats true for my close friends.I will tell them anytime . But how did u figure this out? I have never 'divulged' anything to you ever.


hey .....guess ur really sleepless s ..this is the second article im reading on it ...

where do you work...wonder which firm gives a night shift srnd here in the software industry ????