Sunday, May 3, 2009

Loneliness, Epilepsy and other stories

Being alone doesn't mean you are lonely. Now that should be made a proverb, like time and tide waits for no man. And since proverbs should be repeated to become cliché, I repeat----- Being alone doesn't mean you are lonely It is sometimes almost delightful to enjoy one’s own company. It’s a pretty big insight for someone like me, who used to skip meals and write absolutely depressing blogs when my roomie went abroad. Read this to know where I come from. The beauty in enjoying one’s own space is enjoying the independence. Now that’s something I have always loved, though I never really realized it. Just doing your stuff, your way, no adjustments, no distractions. (Lying lazy amidst your own pile of mess doesn’t count).This is one of those rare rare weekends where I have been in my room for the whole day with no movie/restaurant plans. (Had some last minute cancellations, which I didn’t deal with pretty well. Let’s talk about that later!). It was a simple normal almost boring day but yet I feel like writing about it. Saturday means no work. Coming from a 24X7 working culture this is heaven for me. Getting my weekends off. I still see people yearn for it, and I am completely grateful that I have it. I get my 8 hours of sleep. Again WOW! I remember those night shifts and the zombie it made me. So another blessing I just can’t take for granted. And my alone day began . . I decided to go for the advanced Yoga class which is conducted on Saturdays. I go for the regular course on weekdays and anyone who has completed 3 months can go for the advanced classes . But when my master asked me to concentrate on my Shiv Kendra or somewhere in the middle portion of my brain, and all I got was a headache from trying to move my eyes there, I knew I wasn’t ready for it. But I did do the asanas better than any of the “advanced” students. . Hehehhe . Yippie to a haughty me. Anyway this means I woke up at around 5:15 a.m and had a good one hour of exercise. That’s a great start for anyday! I come back catch up on the adorable lovely God given sleep . I am currently reading Chicken Soup for the Soul. I love it. Truly inspiring and I cry at the drop of a hat, so obviously a tear jerker. I love these stories of growing against all odds. It’s the same way I inspire myself thinking of ShahRukh Khan. With that nose, hair-do and no acting skill to speak of ,he still became the King Khan super star of the Indian film industry . So nothing can stop us from becoming what we want, not even lack of talent.( Don’t get me wrong, I absolutelllllllly ADORRE ShahRukh Khan.) I have to explicitly thank two people for today. My hostel canteen guy. I just recently discovered that his food tastes good. And it’s extremely cheap and is healthy. I had all my three meals today (It’s a rarity believe me!) and I thank him for the 25 Rupee meals. I thank my Yoga master. For his wonderful class which is almost charity, when compared to what Yoga teachers charge else where. For a mere 300 Rs he has classes every working day for 3 months. Please treat this as an advertisement for anyone who stays near JP Nagar 2nd phase/ Ragiguda Temple , Bangalore to check this out! You needn’t be trying to lose weight or on the look out for your higher purpose in life or anything of that sort. It’s just absolute unadulterated fun! Now I have some information to share about EPILEPSY This is for everyone who has watched too many Indian movies and like 99% of us believe in such myths (Kazhcha and Sargam being two main contenders in the Malayalam movie dept for spreading these notions ). And this came into mention cause, I recently saw a guy get an epileptic fit in a park, while he was sleeping. And he fell of the bench and the place was a mess. (I actually thought he poisoned himself and he was dying) I ran to the place. And in seconds I saw all kinds of keys. Santro, scootie, house keys, almirah keys all thrust into his hand. Though I didn’t know what to do I knew key holding was just nonsense. I was thinking of calling emergency BUT 1) People said this is “common” and he needn’t be taken to the hospital . 2) They asked him to cling onto anything iron/steel including the gates of the park. While I was adamant in taking him to the hospital the whole park disagreed with me (other than my unfortunate friend who had to stick by me, thank you!) and then God’s greatest blessing came to my rescue. Google. I asked a friend to google what to do during an epileptic fit and she just called me up and read it out to me. I love techonology and Internet Is God’s greatest blessing to mankind . So we got him some coconut water and bread and went back to studying (Oh ya we were trying to study in the park!!! All these distractions made sure that didn’t happen). And believe it or not after the guy regained his senses he returned to the exact park bench and lied down to sleep as if nothing happened. I didn’t know if I had to feel sorry for him. Anyway next time you see an epileptic fit, you know what to do. And no, there is no need to call an ambulance. Now food for thought: Discipline is doing the right thing even when you don’t feel like doing it. Isn’t that the whole philosophy of the life in a single simple sentence! P.S: Earthly affairs. Javed Habib Hair studios are great! And I love Gilmore Girls. :-)


lakshman said...

Loneliness is a tough feelin to handle esp if ur a kind of person who hang out wit lot of friends.But once u overcome this feelin and if u can spend qualtiy time with urself(yoga as u did),it strengthens u a lot.So its gud to be alone at times.and about the park incident, even if u didnt know how to help him out,the hlpin mentality within u is appreciable.dere are many who doesnt even turn their keep up the gud work and may ur next article be abt some gud social cause u did.cheers!

- Debo said...

Loneliness and solitude are words which might be synonymous, but they have different connotations - loneliness is depressing, while solitude is peaceful.
its the same physical condition made different by the state of mind.
I remember a very famous quote (there are entire websites of quotes on loneliness/solitude; u can imagine how well researched a subject it is). it says something like "if you are not comfortable being alone, you are not comfortable with the only company that you would have over your entire life- yourself".

I was trying to google for the exact quote but didn't get it. Instead I got Mr. Aristotle saying "Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god". I don't think you consider yourself God or smarter than Aristotle. ;)

You lost the little bit of respect that had remained by confessing that you adore Sharukh Khan. I can now actually make sense of Aristotle's quote.

And thanks for the 'epileptic' trivia.

Lavanya said...

Loneliness and being alone.... now thats a interesting topic....

Have you thought of this - we can be lonely at times even in a sea of people and we could be contented all alone.

Cool.... you have pictures in your blog now :0 ....yeyy!!want to see interesting pics in your blog now ..

The eplileptic pic and the trivia is much useful !! keep it up :) !

BrownPhantom said...

I love being alone :)
And congratulations , Yoga is one of the best things one can pick up while he is young .

Anoop said...

gud one.keep writing.dont stop like u did in between

Bullshee said...

We'll this is quite a change from your normal blogging style...very refreshing. I think people will respond to it well...nice...

Yoga...does you good? Do you lose weight? Can a big guy take it up?

DPhatsez said...

whoa! nice tips on what to do with one's self. Surely will take the sting out of the withdrawal symptoms due to a break up. Thanks! :)

Interesting Post!Cheers!

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