Monday, May 3, 2010

??: A new Study

Learning is an art in itself. An art rarely trained on, but knowing which, makes all the difference.
As it’s taken me quite a long time, to decipher this, it seems worthy to share it with anyone interested.

We could have varied reasons to learn. It could be because we enjoy knowing more about a fascinating subject. It could be because our career path forces us to constantly keep ourselves on the edge. Or it could just be a medium to get us closer to our goals.

The reason we chose to learn, could vary.

But the method we imbibe essentially remains the same. Most of our study patterns have been built years back,during our formative years. But if for some reason, the methods you followed werent helping you,its never too late to change.

In a recent competitive preparation,I had some eye opening new revelations about how we choose to learn. Many of them , I promise, will make your student life way much more enjoyable

1) Think as you learn

Books provide us only with information. Forming our own views based on this information , is true learning. This involves a lot of thought. Thinking about what we are trying to study. Relating it with what we already know. Along with taking in new information as we go.It takes a while for most people to grasp a new idea, or an alien concept. Understanding a concept is simple, and could be achieved by a single read. But to be able to use it requires thoroughness in the subject. This, as boring as it may sound, means having to read through the same information more than once. Preferably referring to it many a time to refresh our memory. When the idea becomes part of our psyche, it springs to us the next time we are faced with a problem.

2) Thinking out loud

The concept of a group study, is particularly effective only once we know our subject.Learning something brand new, in a group study makes it a teaching session. Never serving its real purpose. When varied minds, with diverse and interesting thinking patterns, share their thoughts about what they observed, enjoyed and did not agree or quite understand, it opens up a whole new world. A world which inspires each one of us to think a little differently the next time we learn. It brings in a healthy competitive spirit, wonderful respect for our study partners and a very deep understanding of the ideas we need to know.3) Read outside to what is prescribed After the initial stage it always helps to read a little beyond the all too familiar books. Could give us a brand new outlook, and probably a deeper view into a lot of basics looked over generally.

3) Practical exposure

Almost every topic has relevant practical scenarios. Getting a hands-on expertise, gives us an idea of the relevance of what we have learned. On the contrary, learning in our workplace could make a routine task interesting. Helping us understand it better and bring about well informed improvements.

4) Examination

Tests or examinations are supposed to make us better learners. Knowing there is a place to apply our newly earned skills makes us learn with deeper understanding and purpose. The timeline gives us the desired focus.This kind of detailed preparation will make us completely excited about an examination. We treat it not with dread, but as an arena to showcase what we have learned.

To highlight:

1.Learn the same ideas more than once. It might be interesting to know how much more we learn new the second time around.
2. Think when you learn. Think about what you are trying to grasp, think about what you believe you already know. Give heed to conflicting ideas.
3. Compare and contrast any idea which sounds familiar or confusing
4. Study with a good group of intellectually stimulating people.
5. Learn with definitive purpose.
Learning is an art which could change your life. Some of us are lucky to have born with it, some of us have to imbibe it.

This one’s dedicated to Mumshad , the most intellectually challenging study partner I have ever had, for being a true guidance and inspiration by sheer example.


Sweta said...

Looks like this post is inspired by the study sessions you had for the certification???

Good writing... will be help full to all going to write any exam :)

Bullshee said...

Learning isn't a topic I hold opinions on, but I guess all the suggestions you've made will help!

However, planning is always so much more easier than execution!

kapila said...

Loved what you said in the end...All the best waiting too read more...:)

kapila said...

The last one which I meant was LEARNING IS AN ART WHICH COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE....very true..

Arshad said...

agree to each and every point of yours..

i too had the opportunity to learn with mumshad, i too was inspired by him.. great intellectual. :)

Best Wishes.

Nasia said...

@Sweta: Very much inspired by our recent certification
@Bullshee:These are what I have executed succesfully, after planning.
@Kapila: Thank you :)
@Arshad: Awwwwwwww! Best comment ever!