Friday, September 24, 2010

Sweta Tags

Let me whole heartedly thank Sweta for pulling me out of a permanent hiatus, by tagging me.

At last I have something to write about, all I need is a pleasurable Friday. And here it is
Let me just plunge into the all encompassing whirlwind called self improvement. : - Body, mind and soul.

Following are the ten things that

I would like to learn:

1) To become non judgmental:

I have wrote about it many a times before, and I think about it all too constantly. Yet I am no where near to achieving it .
The disapproving look or thought I have about
i) The lesser fashionistas around me
ii) The ones who divulge in all too many fried food and sodas
iii) Incompetent professionals

How I plan to get there: I presume to stop measuring others against who I am or who I would be in their circumstances . Most importantly to forgive others  their mistakes

2) To stop using humor as a defense mechanism

If you ever noticed 90% of people with the funny bone, are usually extremely self conscious. Humor as enjoyable as it is, is usually developed as a cover up for something we presumably lack.
When was the last time you met a funny super model? Never? Or if you ever did meet one, ask her to show you one of her childhood pics. You are sure to find a acne filled, tooth braces clad, sure shot ugly duckling.

As time goes by nature might bless us with traffic stopping good looks , wonderful professions and a great life, but old habits die hard, and the moment we get uncomfortable humor jumps into defense. Making us very likable, but again, Why do we need everyone to like us!!

How I plan to get there: I don’t expect to stop being humorous, but I do expect to stop making silly jokes, just to make up a conversation or to fill up the blank silent space. Let someone else do it from now on. I am just going to sit there , looking pretty.

3) To stop looking for reassurance from others

Aaah! This one is a bummer ain't it?
Reassurance includes a whole lot of arenas. It could be the desire to be addressed as beautiful by anyone at all at least once a week, to having a loved one dote on you over and over and over again.
Reassurance is where the nagging “You don’t call me enough, you never reply to my smses? Blah Blah Blah” stems from.
So cliché yet just so easy to succumb to.
The need for reassurance occurs necessarily when we don’t meet our own expectations.When chances are that, we do not feel worthy enough for our own respect, we might as well get it from someone else.

How I plan to get there: I don’t want to jinx this by writing about it. But I will sure get there.
If you are looking for advice. This is what I have to say, the only way to reassure yourself, is to  fulfill your own expectations.

4) To swim

Water theme parks have made me realize my love for water ( not thrill) . If I catch myself thinking about swimming all the time, I sure expect to do it very soon

How I plan to get there: Learn to swim in the swimming pool of my future apartment? Maybe?

5) To stop suggesting improvements to anyone and everyone I meet

This one is the direct effect of the disapproval syndrome I am ever aware of (point 1). The knawing need to improve someone else’s life, without ever considering if they need my guidance in the first place.
Though this attitude completely helps my work life. I believe it can hurt quite many egos if I go around suggesting people to improve themselves. While what they might hear is me that they are not good enough as they are.

How I plan to get there: To stringently divert all my talents in this sector to my professional life. So much so that I don’t have any left to disturb anyone’s ego

6) To be brilliantly perseverant and consistent

I have the idea, the intelligence, and a medium level of perseverance. Most of the time it seems mediocrity is not enough.

How I plan to get there: I am not meant to be mediocre. Period!

7) To stop fussing about high heels

I wear them, in fact have to wear them, as I am constantly surrounded by uber tall people. I know I look good in them, and manage to carry it off
Oh! But I fuss. I almost carry a list of things I wouldn’t do if I am wearing heels, making myself a consistent pain for anyone with me

How I plan to get there: Wear heels everyday

8) To reduce my enormous phone bill

STD MMS while in roaming. Browsing You Tube while in Roaming Via Phone? Who do I Think I am? Anil Ambani???

How I plan to achieve it: It is not necessary to let the world know how photogenic I am,at that moment. It can wait.Or maybe they don't need to know

9) To be calm and composed

Energetic and impulsive. While these traits are sure pluses in anyone’s resume, believe me there are two sides to the same coin.
Impulsive also means looking before you leap
Energetic also means over reactive
Its has always been my dream to be able to passively smile when I see MS Dhoni at the airport, than jump up and down and threaten the airport security staff to let me in.

How I plan to get there: I have no idea

10) To delay gratification

In today’s “Impatient is the new thing” age, where we get anything in a span of a few hours( if we can afford it), delaying gratification is almost non existent
But unfortunately anything that money cant buy, always have to wait ,If I don’t delay gratification, I know its not going to last

How I plan to get there: God gives best to people who patiently wait.

This one’s for Rakhi, who is everything that I desire to be


Sweta said...

a good list.... but all the learning's will come with self control and dedication...

I liked that u just not wrote what you have to learn you ever planed about how to do that... :)

Shahzadi said...

If you do all this, then you'll be no longer YOU...

Btw you dint mention how you plan to reduce your mobile bills..

Lavanya said...

I was actually thinking the other day, why you had not updated your blog ..Its good to see you back :)

Learn to swim... ha... thats one thing i sure do identify with... To conquer the fear of water would be more apt..

Delaying gratification- though i have heard this for quiet sometime now, i have not actually 'understood' delaying gratification.. in time may be...

Anonymous said...

Blush blush... Am flattered!!

Thank you sweets!

I second Gudi about that fact that you would sieze to be you if you start changing all of it.We all come as a package and I adore you for the beautiful person you are already..



gasmutai said...

Liked the list.. especially #2 :)
I'd never thought of humorous folks that way (self included)
But interestingly, you say you're not going to joke around, but your entire post is almost satirical.. so is this meant to be ur last dig at humor ;) ?

Nasia said...

@Sweta: Believe you me, Self Control and Dedication are just fancy words, very tough to achieve.
Lot of things in there are much more specific, than just those.

@Gudi: I can be a newer fresher and better me . And thanks for the pointer! I have included that bit now about the phone bills

@Lavanya: Delaying the need to fulfill your needs right that minute.

@Rakhi: Thanks! but again, newer better fresher me. You will like her too

@gasmutai: Hmmm. Now that you noticed. I didnt say I will stop joking around completely, I would just stop using it to fill up awkward silences, and to make others comfortable