Sunday, October 17, 2010


This novel blogging tag originally came from Emily Barton and to me through the ever innovative Sweta.

It’s basically an imaginary time travel and what I would do if I meet a younger me.

1. Depending on your age, go back 10, 15, 20, or even more years.
2. Tell us how many years back you have traveled.
3. Pretend you have met yourself during that era, and tell us where you are.
4. You only have one "date" with this former self.
5. Answer the questions.

I have decided to go back to my 12th std. Thank Goodness I only have one date, and do not have to live through all of it again!

She is confused and is not in very good company. Has serious self esteem issues and is being pushed all over by her new girlfriend. Moreover the once brilliant girl, has lost her grip, and is completely unable to focus on any strategy to crack her entrance exams. Messy! Phew!

1. Would your younger self recognize you when you first meet?

She might freak out and probably have a heartattack, but yes she would .

2. Would she be surprised to discover what you are doing job wise?

Very much. She doesn’t think that much about her future outside of Kerala, doesn’t even know glam jobs like mine exist. She would be very glad and surprised.

3. What piece of fashion advice would you give her?

The fashion disaster that she was!
That shampoo DOESN'T ruin your hair all that much. So please use one.
That people will get used to any change of looks she undergoes, so be experimental.Get that haircut she always wanted.
That cotton is classy

But then again most of such decisions are not really upto her at that time.

4. What do you think she is most going to want to know?

Her entrance results.

5. How would you answer her question?

That just cause it was predicted by some random person, she is not going to become a doctor.
I will definitely share the strategy to crack the entrance exam. I am not sure if she will be able to decipher it, though.

6. What would probably be the best thing to tell her?

That her complexion/skin will become way much better.
That she will not always remain the ugly duckling or the second fiddle.
That our mother will trust her soon.
That she should expect wonderful things in her life, and not just worry about the worst outcome.

7. What is something that you probably wouldn't tell her?

Nothing actually. Anything she might know about her future will cheer her up.

8. What do you think will most surprise her about you?

That I have a good dressing sense and know to use an eyeliner.
That I get along with our mother.
That I am confident speaking to the opposite gender.
That I speak good English.
That I stay in a very unflattering room and have been staying there for four years.
That I stay alone, and have no qualms eating,shopping or even watching a movie alone
That I actually shop for home wear.

8. What do you think will least surprise her?

That I don’t travel long distance in a bus,and still hate the travel to Thodupuzha*(my grandparents home).
That I still write crazy journals in pink books

9. At this point in your life, would you like to run into "you" from the future?

I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprises, and the wonderful things life has to offer me, so No!

I do not have that many people to tag. Consider yourself tagged if you are reading, and find this an interesting topic!


Bullshee said...

I really get how a 12th std version of you was a nervous, un-self-assured person! But I agree, I think you've made huge strides, especially in the last few years!

We're all kids in 12th. I was a wanna-be back then. Thought popularity was everything. College changed that. Came out happier. Life takes its own time to teach us stuff. Here's to hoping when you look back at your life when you're 35 and happy with the way things turned out...

Anonymous said...

Interesting to think about.. I'd want to go back to my 5th Grade and ASK HIM TO START PLAYING FOOTBALL HARD and EAT LESS!!!!

Unknown said...

Past I have seen.. Wish we could travel 7 times the speed of light.. wanna see if 22/12/2012 actually happens or not.. :) ... BTW wats up with shampoo?? u tot it was bad for hair?? interesting !! :)
Have a nice one !!

Anonymous said...

Interesting, and as usual frank..:-)..And I would probably go back to my 11th standard and tell myself, that showing interest in studies is not really a bad thing and it definitely wouldn't ruin your life..!!!

Parasuram....Let Truth Be Your Guide said...

Ok one as a person who is very interested in temporal physics and as some one who has spend a lot of time thinking abt temporal paradoxes, I must tell you telling ur past self anything abt her future could have disastrous consequences... pls research butterfly effect and other such thesis for more info on the same...

But that aside treating this as a purely intellectual exercise.... I must say u go back to the past may be you could tell her to buy stock in a small company called airtel or infosys or wipro that would pretty much wipe out the need for u to work at all :)....

I didnt really know u back then so I cant categorically comment on the personal growth u have achieved... I find a shy Nasia hard to imagine :) but anyways congrats on that front :)

As for writing something like this well I am not sure... the truth is that I have lived long enough to know that life especially the not so gud parts of life are as critical to who you are or you become as the gud parts are. So in short there is very little I would want to tell my past self... Everything happens as it shud happen, tampering with time is inadvisable :).

anyway what else hummmm ohhhh ur blog is luking really nice gud design kudos :)...

Shahzadi said...

I know ,all of that about you is true. Well written.

Sweta said...

First of all I am happy you answered my tag. :)
and during school we all were always behind numbers and ranks... now those memories just makes me smile.

very well written and yes I have seen your 12th std pictures, you were not ugly or anything of that short... :D
but I believe in this that girls look there best in 20's and worst in teenage, all thanks to the pimples :P

shirley..... said...

I could relate myself to every single word :) nice one!

Chai said...

Wow, i dint know ur brain cud think in such a different angle from what normal homo spaiens do. Very innovative post! H had the same emotions and feelings while watching the "Matrix revolutions";) U have evolved into a much wonderful person than u were, i must say!

Nasia said...

@Bullshee: Thanks and I am also hoping for the same and much more by the time I am 35

@The Actual Anonymous: Give yourself a break! You already did that in 8th and you play great football!

@Kuber:22/12/2012? Am I missing something here?

@Subha: You thought that in 11th? ;)

@Parasuram: You just made me seem like I wrote a boring blog

@Gudi: Thanks!

@Sweta: Thanks for saying I dont look ugly then. I know its not ugly, but its nothing like i wished for! Thanks for the wonderful topic!

@Shirely: Thanks:) Let me go check out your blog

@Chai: I thought this was a boring very less innovative post. Hmmm. Who is H? And I never understood Matrix

Arpz said...

a very well written post :) and it touches a chord eveywhere, werent we all that way? only, you have been able to put in a beautiful way :)

Anonymous said...

is this inspired from Back to the future movie series?