Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Caught in Traffic- Continued

This blog is due to the very thought provoking comments I got on my last blog.
Thank you guys, I have an intelligent and socially aware family and friends.

So before you read this, please read this and also the comments section

As a reply to all the comments:

I second the inclusion of a column in the genders section. An M and F and an others, which I did actually find in some form I filled recently, but positively donot remember which one.
An inclusion of a rest room, atleast in MNC's and other urban buildings. If not in all floors of a building, atleast in some

About their inclusion in panchayats/being a talk show host and such extremely rare sucess stories.
How many of us, are David Beckham? None. There maybe those rare sparks of jewels in any clan, who have the grit, determination and resolve to beat the society and its norms. But she is just the David Beckham of their clan. What about the normal average people among them? People like you and me.

We goto school --> write the medical/engineering entrance --> Join an engineering college -->Give a try at the MBA entrance --> Get recruited into a company -->Get married by 24/27--> Have kids
(Not necessarily in that order) Most of this we do, because society expects us to.

Transgender is like a weight gain gone very very bad, or like extreme hair loss. It affects their confidence, sense of worth, and self esteem at all levels.

Most of us are people who didnt have the guts to pursue anything else other than engineering. Who are scared to apply lipstick,(if we didnt before) or even get a stylish haircut. All cause we are scared what people around us will say or "think" about us. We do as the society does, as society accepts.

For trangenders the norm is
Goto school --> Start showing strange physical symptoms -->Thrown out of their homes--> Accepted into their pseudo trangender family--> Most of them are into begging and/or prostitution-->Become either or both

What I expect Governments to do is to change this flow of events. From the root level like Ansikka has mentioned.

Goto school -->Start showing strange physical symptoms -->Send to special schools/continue education due to the very strict indiscrimination rules present in the country--> Go to college( engineering or otherwise)-->Get a job( with or without the MBA entrance) ---> Have a medical insurance which covers trangender operation if they chose to have one --> Have a life.

The rules which a Government can bring, is the root level change. It would be just like the helmet-compulsory rule for bike riders. We loathe it, but we still do it, and after a little resistance which any change brings, WE GET USED TO IT!

About the numbers of eunuchs being very very low, there maybe just be one of them or two of them. But they are still present, and very much in need of equal rights. The begging rackets are much more prevalant in metros, probably the reason,why it isnt prevalant in Kerala.
I think Kerala will catch up soon, After all , some of the top notch begging rackets are headed by malayalees. [ How do I even know this? ]

Fighting back or defying the society is too tough, like all of us, these are normal people,who prefer to take the easy way out. What I have been trying to tell is to make their easy way out, a normal one.


Ash said...

hi nazi,
just tell me why do we have to put them in special schools, dnt u think the younger generation needs to accept them as part of the human race. grow along with them and not indifferent to them.
we should start somewhere but dont know where..as you said they might make a good house help.,can there be a option where the uneducated trans can be send as housemaids so that they make a decent living.
Most of the ones you find in signals are not trans, they are just cross dressed, lazy well -built beggars.

Parasuram....Let Truth Be Your Guide said...

Hi Nas
The column thing is I think already being implemented or at least under consideration anyway...
As for the rest of it...

Nas the world is not divided into two classes of people one is upper middle class and the other transgender... the truth is most of India and indeed the world is extremely poor....

Their life goes something like this

Born in a mud hut --> Go to primary school may be --> Work in a field or Factory on daily wage --> Marry produce lots of Kids without Birth control ( Lets face it people who can barely feed themselves aren't buying condoms, besides children = cheap labour in most of the world )
---> OHHH and of course DIE.

That's life Nas I don't know about this world you talk of where engineering and MBA are with in the grasp of the majority.

and as for transgender's well Nas think about it like this Nas in a world where Panchyats (e.g. KHAPS) still have the power to make life and death decision what hope does a cruel joke of nature have to lead a normal life.

Reality sucks Nas welcome to my world :)

Anonymous said...

I still do believe that the entire reponsibility of their upliftment could not be left to the shoulders of the rest of the society.
Not everyone may have it in them to become the "Beckham" of their group, but still would we hesitate to get into an autorikshaw driven
by a eunuch,or to visit a shop run by one of them? Maybe a few would, but I am sure most of us would not.Atleast it would be easy for people to accept and encourage such ventures compared to the begging attacks..:-)

- Subha

Anonymous said...

i want to thank you for this.I had not had a positive concept about them until i read your blog. Many at times i thought the transgenders are some sort of sex addicts as they r mostly into prostitution.

I have not been to banglore or come across these people.While i think of all sorts of people in this world, I hve never thought of how these people make their living or how they struggle to survive in a society like ours. i never wondered if they would work like us or even get education. What i had in mind was that they live in community seperate from ours, they live and die there and that's what they wish.

I completely agree with your blog. Education must be every human beings right also irrespective of gender.And family does play the most important role in this.

Maybe in the years to come, they will get their rights and be accepted like how working women were accepted in our society.

Yes they could have normal lives.get educated, get a job, have a family.however having their own kids is still confusing to me. They could adopt maybe.

Whatever the reality of this world might be right now..It has to change.And it will.

Nasia said...

@Ashok: Yes maids is a good place to start

@Parasuram: Hmmm, if this was a debate, you would have been disqualified for invalid points. I was not speaking about poverty or child labor or honor killing. Engineering and MBA is our world, and I compared our easy way out to theirs. So just cause there is poverty doesnt mean we shouldnt look at any other issue. Isnt that why UNO has different departments?

@Subha: Correcto. I liked the autorickhsaw idea

@Whoever-it-is: Awesome. Best comment ever!!

Shahzadi said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonym was me..:)

Anonymous said...
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