Saturday, October 23, 2010

Caught in Traffic

Disclaimer: I am not a social worker, not even close. I maybe a dormant philanthropist, but that’s about it

Yet there are ideas I completely believe in.

Equality, Indiscrimination and the Singular Power of Education

On my way to work, few are the days, when me or anyone of my unfortunate colleagues, do not get thoroughly walked all over by an eunuch beggar. While they curse, abuse, harass, push, pull all over our early morning freshness, most of us, are willing to pay them anything, to avoid public humiliation.

This is the very reason eunuchs (or men dressed as one) have single handedly conquered the traffic stops in Bangalore.

Their overt sexuality, uninhibiting ways and harassing persuasion definitely gains an upper hand over sympathy which a blind or physically handicapped can ever generate

I however, have recently overcome the discomfort they put me in, and have decided not to bend down to their harassment ,public humiliation or otherwise.

They seem healthy enough to earn their own living.

Or Are they?

Why is that I have never met a eunuch in person in my day to day life. Not in school, not in college, not at work. Not even as a domestic help ( I think they would make great ones, if given the chance) .

So does it mean that we as a society have refused to give them any place other the streets?

Does being born with a confused sexuality lead them to a life of begging or prostitution? Or is it that they chose the easy way around. Most of them are towering and seemingly healthy people, with intelligent tricks up their sleeve. While I see blind, deaf and physically handicapped people working in my office or leading seemingly normal lives, why cant they?

I am sure, their mental stamina,capabilities or talent are not affected by any physical deformity. Has our society shunned these unfortunate people?

Is there anything we can do to rehabilitate them in the society? I agree begging is easy money, but is it?

If they have the means for education and can be accepted in spite of their seemingly incoherent voice and looks, cant they function as normal individuals?

Even though it’s been 50 years since independence, our “reservations” are still highly caste based, which as I see is non existent. Can we by any chance, get a reservation in place for eunuchs, not just for public office, but essentially for education ?

The Govt or the NGO’s can do what they have to, but the core change to be bought is in the mindset of the common man. How many of us can be liberal enough to actually tolerate a queer person in our immediate neighborhood?

Me thinks, this is what needs to be done

1. Humans are adaptive! Period. In the same way we get used to a blind colleague or a wheel chair clad neighbor, we will get used to eunuchs. Seeing them every morning should have already tuned our minds

2. Reservation of atleast one or two seats for them in colleges and schools

3. If required special schools in place for people identified as eunuchs

4. Once educated they shouldn’t be discriminated or favored for employment

5. Programs of self sufficiency

There is no word of caution for a distraught family who cannot accept their child as imperfect. There might be families who disown their children, once they are recognized to be queer. But if the families chose to disown them, at least they should have a safe cultured society to accept them.

With their undiverted energy,they can sure become an intelligent workforce for any country instead of wasting away on streets. And what do we get in return?

Peaceful travel to our workplace and fresher mornings.


Anonymous said...

seen the movie traffic signal?

Unknown said...

A good thought. The change has to start at all levels, one of the biggest challenges is that there is no accepted sex for these people in our rules.At birth they are declared M or F as per the closeness of gender trait they may show, subsequently when changes come in and families realise they start disowning them (except a few aberrations here and there). At the other side is the rackets that use them to make money by forcing them into begging and prostitution. Only time they are sought after is during a wedding or child birth in some part of the country.
Only if there is change at the root level ie at the family level you can see them along with you at college or school or work. As long as the society does not accept this as a law of nature and are humans just like you and me any number of reservations cannot help. What NGO and govt today do are once these people are full grown and are into their traditional profiles. That is a stage where changes will be limited. So I feel the change should be at the grass roots levels of the society.

Parasuram....Let Truth Be Your Guide said...

Nas I think you are not looking at the problem in a holistic manner.....

Think abt it this way... isnt it odd that Eunuchs are such a problem in Banglore but are unheard of on the streets of trivandrum or any other major Kerala city....

While it is true that eunuchs do get rejected by their families... but it mostly happens in rural India and in poorer families, mostly among the uneducated and that is why you dont see it so much in Kerala... cos there is very little rural Kerala and there is almost no uneducated left in the state.....

Now abt not seeing them in offices etc... well Nas think abt this would you really be able to tell them apart if they chose to look like which ever gender they most closely resemble... you are able to tell the difference cos a person who looks a lot like a guy is dressed up in a saree... would it be that easy if the person was dressed in a Kurta or even a pants...

Once you decide to live life as a certain gender you can always get gender reassignment surgery where by you can get the extra organs removed.... In fact today as it exists today even a fully male individual can become female or vice versa by getting these surgeries... even if not in the reproductive sense atleast in the appearance and function they will look completely like the gender they have chosen....

So reserving seats and all is well not practical for the above said reasons but also cos the percentage of the population who is so afflicted in very low... very very low assuming....

Also u might be interested to know I recently so a program that Eunuch was recently elected as Panchayat member in rural north India... so things are not as bad as you might think....

Poverty however does not know gender male, female or the in between :) so if they can embarrass u into giving money they will probably do it its sad but true :(

Anonymous said...

Funny, I happen to read this today..because I have just come back home today after being through another of such attacks in traffic, where the eunuch in question nearly harassed my friend ..and we started discussing about this..Though we initially were questioning if the social structure and lifestyle would give them a chance to lead a decent living, concluded that they might prefer to make easy money through such begging attacks as we saw them using their supposed 'cursing power' more than anything else to get money out of frustrated people...!

- Subha

Lavanya said...

Strangely enough Times of India ran an article today about how people who had gotten transgender operations performed were being discriminated against at work and eventually forced to quit.

A qualifies Physiotherapist has been forced to work as a security guard and a person with M.Phil in tamil literature has been without work due and now works as a translator as this job requires minimum or no people interaction.

There are two things which I'd like to point out here- One that the major part of change should come in the society's attitude towards eunuchs and transgenders.
Second is that its people's (eunuch's) choice that really matter, if they actually decide not to beg and do something productive I'm sure a lot of doors will open by itself.Otherwise no amount of NGO's or government policies will help until eunuch decide to stop taking the easy way out.

Lavanya said...

Also I wanted to point out there is a person called Rani-She is a trans gender who has(or atleast had as I do not follow it now) a talk show of her own in one of the Tamil TV networks.
I'm sure she faced the same discrimination that all other eunuch's face but she decided to fight back and that has brought her to the success and spot light.

Nasia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nasia said...

@Anonymous: No, and why?

@Ansikka: So glad you read my blog. *Dances* Please go back to the blog to read the rest of my comments

@Parasuram: Go back to the blog, to see my reply

@Subha: Hmm.Us the unfortunate ones

@Lavanya: Thanks once more for writing it as two separate comments :-D

Anonymous said...

or seen the movie pankh?