Monday, October 11, 2010

My Ideal Neighborhood

Leadership Guru Robin Sharma in his masterpiece, `Who will Cry When you Die` has recommended spending sometime defining our ideal neighborhood. People from the past and the present who we wished lived next door to us. Whose qualities have amazed and inspired us.
 Other than being a fun activity, listing this out, reminded me of excellence, which inspired me at some point in time or another. Living next door to all these great people is sure to brush off on me!

Following are my Ideal Neighbors and why I chose them:

  1. Joyce Meyer:

The progressionist Christian preacher. Her down-to-earth, practical sermons about enjoying everyday life, has considerably impacted my life for the better.
She breaks down the myth of doctrines and focuses on bringing value to our daily life. Thus empowering us to make our life excellent and enjoyable with the power of God.
I would love to tap from her energy, undying enthusiasm and constant reevaluation of self.

  1. Robin Sharma

He’s got to be in here. The mesmerizing leadership expert, who dishes out life lessons in every flash of a second. His constant focus on being a better person for becoming a world class leader, makes him stand apart. In this scheming world, where almost everyone I meet is bitter, remorse and sure that the only way up the ladder is to bring someone else down , his teachings come across as a breathe of fresh air. With his blinding success, he sure practices what he preaches.

  1. Rhonda Byrne

Author of the 4 million dollar copy best seller `The Secret`. The book may or may not be practical. But it certainly gave a 180 degree turn to my mind set. She bought to me and the rest of the world the true meaning of the word gratitude. Which as hard a habit it is to cultivate, makes us realize what we have, and reminds us to be thankful for it .

  1. Sachin Tendulkar & A.R Rahman

The cricket prodigy and music maestro, who inspire me for the same qualities. In spite of reaching pinnacles of their fields of genius they constantly manage to remain grounded, humble and surprisingly lead scandal free lives under the dizzyingly scrutinizing eye of the ever hungry paparazzi.

  1. George Bernard Shaw & M T Vasudevan Nair

The playwright of 1800’s and the author/filmmaker from kerala, who have managed to pen creative geniuses for decades. Their work remains relevant to all time. It never seems to go out of fashion. Never fails to stir the human soul, even centuries or decades after they were written.
I positively believe they never had writer’s block. Even if they did, they just gracefully overcame it.

  1. Vikram

Tamil actor and superstar. Surviving ten years of filmdom struggle and a fatal accident. To me he stands for complete belief in your dreams, against all odds. Under circumstances were almost anyone would have sort to despair and disappointment, he used the opportunity to  keep himself prepared and ready to live his dream, and continues to live it with class.

  1. Lance Armstrong

Winning Tour De France seven consecutive times after surviving testicular cancer. I have no words for this miracle of a man

There’s my ideal neighborhood.
All of you should try out this activity, wherever feasible, in a notepad/MS word / or traditionally speaking a home journal, or in your blog if you have one!

Please make sure to come back here and let me know of your ideal neighborhood.


Bullshee said...

you missed me!

Arshad said...

Great personalities.. nice list.

Like Vikram there are many i guess in film field who have successfully chased their dreams.

arpz said...

Well written and beautiful :)

Lavanya said...

Very well written .You have come up with a wonderful list. Your thoughts are precise and very well communicated.

Thus said about your writing, regarding the question you pose will try drafting my own list and will let you knw when done :)

Lavanya said...

Also Thank you for changing th skin colour, much more pleasing to the eye now.

Anonymous said...

Interesting ,inspiring list - definitely NOT a list of people who are famous for being famous.Well written too, I liked the traits you picked out of each one of them .


Unknown said...

As always well written...Simple and precise.

Did you hear that sachin gave up an opportunity to act in a Bollywood movie.he said if he had retired before, he would have given a try.But now his passion is the field, where gives his 100%


Anonymous said...

well written Nasia....
The list you composed is very impressive....
but a house in such a neighbourhood would cost a fortune ;)
Your writing has become more professional.


Anonymous said...

Awesome List:-).. and Very Well Written!! Great Blog Nasia..

Nasia said...

@Bullshee: Hmmm!!!!!
@Arshad: Thanks! Vikram stands out I guess, as he became a superstar at 40. Stands out for me anyway :)
@Arpz: Thank you so much. Means so much coming from a stalwart like you
@Lavanya:Please share your list with me. And thanks for writing in two separate comments.
@Rakhi: :-D
@Reeba: As always? Do you read my blogs. Thanks for commenting..
@Prabhanjan: The bullying via Sametime paid off. :)

Nasia said...

Oh and @ the final actual Anonymous:

Thanks so very much. It is to impress the "anonymous" that I write :)

Anonymous said...

not very sure about lance, talks are that he was on drugs.

was just thinking, why cant a neighbourhood be fields, forest and animals in there?

Ash said...

nice stuff my neighbours list i will surely include you, as others come along with you :)

Anonymous said...

About armstrong: