Thursday, May 3, 2007
Lately I have had to think umpteen number of times before blogging, which explains why my april month blog looks dry. The reason being the overwhelming response my last blog got me. Should say I hate to “look before I leap”, particularly when the leap is towards something I enjoy doing. And I consider this impulsiveness a bigger sin than procrastination. I would like to make both(procrastination and impulsiveness, to be precise) legally offensive crimes, to make me refrain from doing them.
According to popular demand I am painfully taking off my last blog. Only if every person who rang up me/ my family after reading it cared enough to write a comment. Hmmm..
Before the “removal” let me tell you, that it will remain one of my personal favourites (Sob!).
Reasons I didn’t blog for the past one month, in random order
1) Was on a long vacation to my hometown and within two hours of landing in Bangalore was whisked away by my friends for a two day trip. The water/land trekking, over strained body, and extreme excitement had put me in a trance. I am slowly getting out of it , but still cant take my eyes of the snaps which I have already been through a million times
2) Too many incidents, but none I can write about without getting murdered by friends or disowned by family.
3) I failed to notice the finer details of my life possibly because there were too many.
4) My work has increased a teeny weeny bit. Now that’s what I call a lame excuse. J
Topics which did inspire me in this span of time, this time in order of priority
1) The trip. My friends had even suggested a name for it -“Dirty me”. Considering that I was covered with mud from head to toe when the conversation took place
2) My Bengali intellect friend`s extreme dislike towards the media hype around AbhiAsh* wedding. He even snatched away Bangalore Times from me while I was carefully observing the sindoor on Ash`s forehead.
3) About being very bad at bowling, swimming, trekking, or even walking. And how Prabhanjan* does all the above with lazy elegance.
4) How stupid I am to watch both Tara Rum Pum and Pathfinder the same week, just for the sake of hanging out with my friends. Also about how I frequented Forum* and am waiting for a boon from the Forum Gods for visiting their mansion daily for the past whole week.
5) About realizing that one of the scariest things that could happen is to perceive a person you have known for long in a different light.
Tara Rum Pum: The movie aims at making young citizens (who should be enjoying their summer vacations now) realize the value of hard earned money. Which leads to the fact that no one should spend 150 Rs on an YashRaj movie, ever. Aditya Chopra prefers the kids learning this the hard way.
*AbhiAsh- Abhishek Bachchan Married Aishwarya Rai .Both of them Indian movie super stars, with half a dozen past affairs to talk about
* Forum- A mall in Bangalore
* Prabhanjan- Read my Introduction.
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te blog you deleted :)
I agree its long..
I am currently in Trivandrum. No matter how hot, how humid, or dirty it is, I love this place. Because of the obvious reason, that I am used to it here (having spend eight years of my life in this city and also because every single person walking on the road speaks my mother tongue). I haven’t had this privilege the last one year, the time me and my family have been traveling from metros to cosmopolitans and back.
As happening as the entire trip is turning out to be, the best part (at least until now) has been the bride hunt for my elder brother (also referred to as pennukanal, to be understood only by fortunate malayalee readers). This happens to be an absolute entertainment for the entire family except the over-pressurized groom-to-be.
So we are on our way to the probable bride’s home. I feel happy being dragged along being my brother’s one and only sister. The house is about an hour’s journey from our place. My all powerful dentist-aunt who is accompanying us is filling us with details of the girl`s family (family stays close to her clinic and every person there with good looking teeth owes it to her). Reference to the girl’s complexion (fair as paper to be more precise) and length of her flowing tresses, gives me a tiny complex.
Should say that my paternal family has an acute sense of humor, traveling with them, I have never felt the need to turn my stereo on. Time flies by, as I am given formal training to make the girl speak for more than a min, in that time duration, my brother has to grasp if she has a Trivandrum accent * .
We reach the house. I am very hungry. I sit there desperately waiting for the inevitable snacks, while the rest of the family waits for the girl.
SHE comes down the stairs, sky blue dress, with a shawl covering her hair partly (Muslim girls are supposed to cover their hair and I hail from a Muslim family). She is fair (as explained) and looks pretty tiny. We take her to the room where my dad and brother are waiting to analyze her. I talk to her as asked, her language seems fine. She is too busy counting the black marbles in her floor tile; I don’t think she even glanced at my brother. I am worried that making my brother wear the kurta I got him from Bangalore will go unnoticed. My mom asks her how tall she is, she says she doesn’t know. (GASP!!). I am asked to stand beside her as a measurement scale I am visibly embarrassed and hungry.
Girl goes back, shy and giggling. Snacks enter, gorgeous cutlets, I gobble in three of them. And we start on our way back.
Our return journey is again entertainment at its best. Pros and Cons of the girl. Girl is fair (+ 100) {Malayalees and their obsession with fair-skinned girls}. She seems dumb (-5). So that amounts to 95%. Good to go.
My brother stays silent and confused throughout. . We watch a movie on our way back.
Next day, he comes up with a firm no. Don’t ask me why, he might explain it if he ever writes a blog himself.
I loved her, she seemed everything that I am not (except for the dumb part ) and she would have made a perfect bride.
PS to God: Please God,let no one even remotely connected to her ever read this ..
*Trivandrum accent: Nothing personal.. its just sounds a little bad.. :-)
Thanku: Do u have the 19 comments i got for the blog?
My dearest i have graced ur comments ;)
Anonymous aka lavan: Grace it with an actual one pls
thanku!you went to the trouble of savin' nasia's blog!admirable!
And pathfinder is a horrible horrible movie!but i hear tara rum pum fares better...
@ thanku ... wats with saving her blogs man ?? *wicked grin*
(btw do you save mine too??)
@nasia: Dont know why you did take out the post (long after the post had outlived its 'reading-age' .. anyway saw the fotos .. 'dirty me' would be be an apt topic to blog abt (with a foto also in there) !!! :D
nice...though my aangrezi stumbles, i understood 97.748% of it....except the "perception of a person in diff. light" maybe..
Adding to prabhanjan's comment i dint und when u said "failed to notice the finer details of my life possibly because there were too many".
I should tell u this..u are a good blogger.....inspired I have to say that?
@ raghav and Bullshee ..
Hey when I read the blog the other one was not deleted at all..So I was sure she was going to delete just copied it and published as a comment :)
@Bulchee:Apart from the songs didn`t find anything new in Tara rum Pum
@Raghav: I refused to take it off, till the pressure became unbearable. Thus the reading age lag. :-)
@prabhanjan:It just means,you start seeing someone you have known long enough with a different set of emotions. I know how good your english is, so no need to be humble.
@Anonymous aka Raji:You know how exciting my (rather our) last month had been.So didnt get time to notice small things.Thanks! I know you know who inspired me, so keep it to yourself.
nice post --- the best of wat i've seen from u.....
-> impulsiveness a bigger sin than procrastination--- hope u do realise n follow this one
->nice movi review, u shud write more of it.... its where ur interest lies...i know ;)
"Which leads to the fact that no one should spend 150 Rs on an YashRaj movie, ever. Aditya Chopra prefers the kids learning this the hard way."--- liked this line a lot... well written....
@Lavan: I m trying hard learning self -control. These days.
Thanks a lot. ..Kisses
This was a different approach i have seen to ur blog than the ones before nasia...just got to tell u..u r getting better...sorry for the delay in posting a comment which u have asking for quite some time and i have been postponing...atlast i did that today 4 u.
Which leads to the fact that no one should spend 150 Rs on an YashRaj movie, ever. Aditya Chopra prefers the kids learning this the hard way."--- This was too good shud b able to write movies comments soon for some news channel...Good job lady...u Rock..!!! Adios
Though i am all stranger to you, i can enliven the scenes you try to "exaggerate" :D.
Keep give good colours to quite mundane stuff, thats what i like most. Maybe someday i will learn to start blogging.
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