Saturday, June 30, 2007

I stumbled upon a song in my friend’s ipod while I was in Chennai. Come undone by Duran Duran . I wondered how I had forgotten to add this song to my list of favorites in imeem. Maybe it never was my favorite song . It could just be that listening to it after a long time I found it familiar. And familiarity is often mistaken as fondness. One way or the other I added it to my imeem play list. I have just returned back from a trip to Chennai. It’s notorious for its unwelcoming climate. But I am fond of this metro. Is it cause of the familiarity? I am not sure . To know more about the positives and negatives of this capital city you may visit here. For me Chennai summed up in a line is- The city where my best friend works. She has a constant complaint that I refer to all my close friends as best friend in this page. So I take this opportunity to rephrase. Best friend is a singular noun and cannot be used to refer to all close friends. After realizing that we still complete each others sentences even after a gap of two years, I decided to rethink the entire idea of what a soul mate means. And I reached the conclusion that soul mate needn’t be your life partner, or the person you are in love with. In fact it needn’t even be a person of the opposite gender at all. [I am taking into consideration only the Utopian society where everyone is straight]. Your soul mate could as well be one of your friends. My redefined definition of a soul mate is someone who understands even the most unacceptable emotion of yours. And tells you it’s just human to feel so. Talking of soul mates, one of my friends recently fell in love. Or I presume. And the inevitable happened. The obvious reduction in the number of phone calls made to the rest of the world, the inability to enjoy anything in the absence of the dear one, and the prolonged silences before agreeing to the “gang’s” movie or dinner plans. When his prolonged silences started turning into lame excuses I figured out that I have almost lost a friend. Seeing him struggle to maintain his undying love for his sweetheart and his comradeship with me I decided to back down [Understanding friend that I am]. I personally believe in the principle that girlfriends and boyfriends come and go but friendship is for life [Courtesy Phoebe F.R.I.E.N.D.S]. My friend never seemed to get this idea though. And now for the incident that made my trip. One of my college mates gave me a card which said ‘Friend, you are even better than what I thought’. We never had very pleasant experiences with each other in the past. So the card was unexpected. Made me realize that in spite of me being yacky yack talkative, dumb, and having a nonsensical sense of humor I still am acceptable as a human being . And that felt good. Circumstance can make a person act out of the ordinary. And such circumstances needn’t reflect who we really are. By the way I colored my hair. After a lot of thinking I had pointed out a color from the list the hairdresser showed me. I did find a brownish tinge in the parlor with all the glaring light. But once my friends examined it in a crowded autorickshaw [with their mobile lights concentrated on my hair] they concluded its blacker than ever before. Sigh! But there is reason to smile. My Chennai friends loved my mobile wallpaper, unlike my unsupportive office mates.


Booker said...

GF's and BF's should be friends before they become anything more. Friendship is the basis upon which a good romantic relationship is built on :-) that is my 2 cents worth anyway...

Anonymous said...


Deepak said...

When i was reading your blogs for the first time, i was quietly wondering how many more colors your writing would take once you get to that state whose past-tense you phrase as as "been in love". But now I'm in doubt. I think its only going to produce an "obvious reduction in number of blogs".

But still i wish you find that state soon, even if it means a lesser frequency of blogging. All the best.

Zee said...

there's nothing like best the plural! i have soulmates from every pt of my much so that when things go right or wrong in my life.....i have to make 10 calls and get 10 different perspectives and they all manage to make me feel better always!!!

so cool about colouring ur hair. wish i cud muster up the courage and do something myself.......or more importantly find some money to do it! i'm always so broke paying off my bills!

and abt ur friend becoming busy since he's started seeing someone...... :) it's natural........doesn's mean u need to butt out....or that he cares any less

arpana said...

aah, friends, what would one do without a friend?
applause - for all friends - your mine and everyones :)

Anoop said...

the earlier blog seems to better

Jyoti said...

khoob likhti hai aap!

well, raising a toast towards your post..indeed friends are the essence of one's life.


Drushti said...

Well buddy... its all about your perception ...u may define friendship and soulmate in the way you understand..others may have their own ideas about it.. On the whole..a well written post...keep writing...u write very well... And yeah dont forget to bug me to read ur blog !! :)

Nasia said...

@dJ: May be.. I hav heard all that before. But dono if its true..

@anonymous: Did my blog make you sad?

@Deepak Sir: Why is everyone wishing me the same? Do i sound desperate in my blogs ;-)?. And i would keep blogging and irritate you to read it too.So dont pray for any miracles.Hehehe!!

@Zee:I too have lots and lots of people i ring up when in trauma. But none as close as this one. Hence the mention.Abt coloring my hair, its still jet black[i was born with black hair jst in case]. And I m sure i earn less than half of wat u do.So :-)

@Aprz: True True..

@Anoop NE: Thanks for telling me I m deproving(is there such a word?)Adn i dont think you read my "earlier" one.

@Jyoti: Thanks. Tell Anoop that

@Drushti: Ya its my opinion alone. I can never ask anyone to agree to this one. Neither do i want them to. Wats the distinction then?? And thanks for the compliments. Buggin is part of who I am, so will continue.

Ye manzilen !! said...

Thanks for completing the painting saab...

Nasia said...

@ Yeh :Wat painting?

Anonymous said...

Good one Nas... its about individual perception ...u may define best friend and soulmate in the way you understand..... But I believe that there can be only soulmate and there can be only one best friend...And most of the times, it so happens that ur best friend turns out to be your soulmate.....
Look, I have commented.....This comment is to make u feel happy and also( U know the second reason)......

Anonymous said...

Good One..So u say there wasn't much of a change after colouring?

Anonymous said...

Hello dear..
I m on cloud nine.. ;)


Shruti said...

Hi dear,
Hope, you trip was really good..

Well, i dont work for Spicejt..just to know why i write for Airlines, just read my previous post "my love for airlines".

Anyways, take care

Ye manzilen !! said...

Every painting needs hair color too..


Anonymous said...

u misspelt my name .. you dont love me anymore waaahhhhhhh

The Black King said...

Everyone has their own values in our life, dear... only we need to understand and appreciate that. You too have good friends around and they know your value --- you're fortunate. So keep spreading the warmth and happiness! :)

P.S. - No photo of new look? Not fair!!

Bullshee said...

Hmmmmmm......after careful consideration with my cheif of staff, I have decided to post the following comment:
1.Yes, friends are more important than "the significant other". But, this is me in all my singledom speaking.
2.R seems and has confirmed that she is on cloud nine. Vigorous praising would be appreciated by all friends[coughcough]
3.Yes, you're posts are a more 'human interest'. Mine are(and meant to be) B.S :D
4.Coloured your hair.........hmmm.........*no comments*

Bullshee said...

last comment was full of typos *i hang my head in shame* :(

Ghosty said...

yup you maybe right about there is no such thing as best friend"s" ... u cant put a plural for that.... in my case i think i do have a plural and for me its kinda regionwise... i have a best friend in chennai, one in bangalore, one in bhilai where i did my schooling and one back home in tvm....
hmm well regarding ur hair color well it looked black to me :-/ and that mobile wallpaper was cute ;-)


colouring ....dont i want to do that ....its kinda weird but ..i did it once for my show ( yeah i play in a band for a post office release) and the next day when i popped into office ...i was looked at like some martian....wonder whats it with folks...girls do it ...n its cool...guy does it...n dint over do it too...n its gender problems intended...nyways...about the love well...been in and out of it...been there seen that ....but i think it aint worth the loss you have....struggling to get my circle back after 4 years of solitude and realise how things have aint as good as its meant to be ...not in this society at least ...

prabhanjan said...

"familiarity is often mistaken as fondness"...good one..
me too found that Chennai's an interesting place(now don't make the oooohhhh!! and aaahhhh!! noises)...

nice blog madamji....nice blog:)

Raghu Ram Prasad said...

wonderfully written about your experience in chennai......

cm chap said...

Hmm Chennai.. I love it

Nasia said...

@Raji:Thanks for commenting. And for trying to make me happy.

@Sowmya: No Change! Still black. :-(

@Rakhi: Anything 4 u dear.. Anything!

@Shruti: Yes, my trip was cool. Okie will read it.

@Yeh: My slow brain fails to decipher yr comments.

@ARPZ: Hope i got it right this time.Arpz, wats in a name? :D

@Yes I m fortunate to have good friends. Photo! you want a pic of black hair. will get u that soon!

1.Same Pinch :-)
2.You have been coughing a lot lately. See a doc
3.Wen did u turn modest?
4.its still black,so there is no need to comment
continue making typos. heheh..

@Arun: Lucky u! got to see both my hair color and wallpaper. People wud hv killed to b in ur position.:D

@Nitin: Did u dye ur hair Blond!!! no wonder people paniced :-)Abt love and loosing the circle, i havent been there and havent done that. So donno!

@Prabhanjan: Tats my fav line 2. I know you enjoyed Chennai. Kc`s itinary was 2 good.I didnt say oooooh! or AAAH!did i?

@Raghu: Thanks a lot.

@CM-Chap: You love Chennai or the blog. Pls say the latter :D

Parasuram....Let Truth Be Your Guide said...

Nas as always well done.....
Now for a proper comment Love....Friendship....hmmmm what can I say truth is there can be no comparison between the two Friendship is preferred because its safe or atleast safer...If I was to truly look back I have "been in love"

Looking back at my worst experiences in both love and friendship it once took me 5 yrs to get over someone mostly cos we kept getting back together but even then comparitively my worst experience with losing a friend as it were it took me a day at best two to get over it I just cut that person out of my life....We have all done that cut a friend out of our life cos we had to....And addressing this specific scenario Nas just to make u understand what the diff btw love and friendship is I ll give u a simple scenario to think about..... U had not seen ur Best Friend(We all know who that is hehehe) in 2 yrs and when u saw her u were happy and realized there new definitions to the concept of soulmate...Now consider this had it really been ur love ur soulmate that had been away from u in chennai Nas I will give it to in writing in the span of 2 yrs u would have seen each other atleast 5-10 times, u would have taken leaves invented new diseases simply to spend a few more moments in his arms....Nasia friendship is a pleasure may be a good even great pleasure but love is a need which grasps at your very soul and doesn't let go till it has pulled u to shreds...Now believe me personally I wish it weren't so but unfortunately thats how god made us and that how we are And if u have not realized this yet it is simply cos u have not felt real love yet.

ps: sorry if I am a bit crass just trying to make a point

Nasia said...

@ parasu aka manu: You hit on the right button, i have to retaliate instantly.. I passed out of college 2 yrs back.. I saw her a few months back.. so tat point is cleared.. the supposed "love " you are talkin abt here, were we run to meet each other creating fake illness how long does it last?? one misunderstanding and gone forevr.. Friendship never! it lasts for decades. I m not talking abt which intensity is more intense, obviously love is.. i m talking of which is more sincere , true and selfless.. i have never cut off even a single true friend from my life.. Not even once! mayb u shid stop searching for luv and only then u discover friendship.. so PARASURAM!! there...

Parasuram....Let Truth Be Your Guide said...

Fiery Response sincerety long lasting hmmmm well maybe but look at it from this perspective in friendship the friend is rarely important friendship in itself is important but friends actually change quite often I am not saying anyone stops being friends but contact decreases u talk less and less and friendship becomes a fond memory rekindled at reunions or over chat windows friendship is like this cos by its very definition there is no limit to the number of friends u can have and as u said b4 u calling many of ur friends best friends might have evoked protestations but imagine how it would be if it u called many guys boyfriends think what would all hell would break lose on the otherhand u can have as many best friends u want to have its the the diff between an army and a cricket team u desert an army and u get shot where as people anounce retirement from teams all the time and even go back later while an army is an commitment written in blood.... U have a big problem u r completely distraught u call up ur long lost friend in the middle of the night seeking solace but the other person is busy with her lover or husband or family which do u think that person would prioritize
ur friendship or the love of family or lover

PS: I have best friends too

Nasia said...

@Parasuram: Dont drag family into this.. thats different!! People do prioritize, and end up giving more importance to "innale kanda" pennu than friends of many many years.. I personally dont believe in the concept.. i feel its lack of self control and gettin blinded by luv,..[mom,dad,children,husband shd be left out of the discussion]..

Parasuram....Let Truth Be Your Guide said...

ok family I ll leave out but believe me when I say this love is the not just that kindled in the heat of passion between men and women but it has many forms ignoring at ur own peril that being said the one between Man and women is one of that concerns us the most specially given our age . Nasia u get overly emotional and are looking at things sqaurely from the standpoint of ur own experiences think if "innale kanada pennu" is you. Think if ur lover or BF spends more time in the company his friends than in urs now think some of them are beautiful girls such as urself... would it not hurt would u not want ur bf to want to spend all his time with u...Now u might say "no no I will understand" but reach inside and place urself in those shoes would u really understand would it not hurt u terribly would it not make u cry....I have known many girls some gfs some as friends and some in between and I have learned one thing girls do not share their Men ask any Man who has ever been in a relationship he will tell u the same thing...Just think abt what u wrote in the previous post just one sentence from Her Man abt another woman looking good and there comes the question
"Don't I look Better" jealousy is a very human of emotions....Cant blame her for asking it after all its her Man how can she tolerate even sharing his gaze with another woman

CandidConfessions said...

GFs and BFs and friends! i have been on both the sides! Having to choose between BF and friends and having to let go of a friend! sigh!

Princess Banter said...

I know what you mean about friends getting into relationships. I hate it when a good friend falls into that abyss and momentarily forgets about the rest of the world... until the break up happens when he/she realizes that he/she lost all his/her friends. Though incredibly unfair sometimes... if we're true friends, we stick by them in their most vulnerable moments. It's like "you treated me like crap when you were happy, and now that you're in a rut, you come to me just like that?" Well, life is such.. and life tests true friendship...

Still Searching said...

Wow, there are so many things I agree with in this post I don't even know where to beg in! Firstly, I love Come Undone, and really think the lyrics are very meaningful..

2ndly, I think what you said about familiarity being mistaken for fondness is interesting thought, because the saying is that familiarity breeds contempt (though I never really agreed with this saying)..

3rdly, what IS it with guys who fall in love and completely ignore that there is a friend around too who they were close to before the girl walked into the scene! This has happened to me atleast 2 or 3 times in my life, and frankly I find it very irritating and selfish... but yeah, you kinda have to backdown, no other way...

And lastly, I've never used the word best friend for anyone (since my 3rd std), but I agree that there is always one friend in every phase in my life who has known everything about me and whom I connect with at a certain other level. so yeah, maybe soulmate maybe best friend, but precious nonetheless..

Really nice post.. am adding your blog to my linklist..

raghav said...

hey ... nice post .. so have you 'decolored' ur hair yet ? and yeah 'friends are forever' .. and girlfriends are a PAIN forever .. *grin*