Monday, August 13, 2007

Couldnt think of a Topic

It’s my day off (rather my night off) work. [Night shifts have started again]. I am in my room all alone,( My roomie has left for Ireland for six weeks),sitting beside a heap of clothes and devising plans to clean my dilapidated room. Discovery is airing a particularly interesting program. It’s about mistresses. Nope I am not talking about head mistress here. It’s the “other” woman. As always discovery has handled this very emotional subject almost scientifically. All the references made in the program are famous. I hear Ted Hughes, John Lennon among many other names. They talk about the guilt the mistress suffers after breaking up a marriage. Most of them committing suicides unable to bear the guilt. They also talk about the change in the mentality of the mistress of yester years to the mistress of today. The one thing that catches my attention is how they have completely avoided discussing the state of mind of the man who has two women in his life. I donno if they excluded it cause that’s a topic too extensive in itself. Or cause they considered the two timing beast’s mentality not worthy of mention. Some where in the show I remember a lady saying ”Most of us are capable of loving more than one person at a time”. Interesting thought! I sms my friend to watch it if awake. I know all the world missed it, cause it was three at night and I might be the only nocturnal creature awake. After this extremely interesting program I decide to clean my room. I succeed except for the Herculean task. My wardrobe. Quite unlike the female species in the rest of the world, my wardrobe is a constant mess. It awaits my once in a six month clean up, every single day. So I throw out all clothes into my bed. It’s about three thirty and laziness engulfs me. Actually I am always engulfed by laziness so I should say I became normal and decide to do the cleaning some other day. Threw all the clothes back in and closed the closet door tightly. My room looks clean. Hmmm. I go back to watching TV . But now I cant find the remote! DAMN! I should have thrown it into my closet along with the clothes. I have a word with God. He hasn’t been on my side lately. And I have been blaming all my past sins(if any) as reasons. So what’s this for God? Did I trample on an ant while running to the bathroom? I fish for any non cloth like thing in my closet. No luck. I throw out all the clothes again. [Why god? Why?]. Can’t find the remote. I decide to use my hands to change the channel or resort to reading ‘Interpreter of maladies’. As I settle down with the book and pulled my cozy blanket over me. I feel a cold thingie near my feet, and I just knew it was my TV remote . So as I told you, my roomie’s untimely trip to Ireland has left me lonely at an odd time. Since she was my permanent shoulder to cry on, I have been crying on every random shoulder who passes by and my nose hit some cold bony shoulders on the way. And a particular thought told by a friend came to my mind. This recent addition (or subtraction) of a friend is about twenty seven years old, and he told me, how after running behind making friends for many years he found happiness within himself. It’s strange how we learn some stuff from the most unexpected of additions. So on another such depressing day. I am in Bangalore international airport after seeing off Lavan to Ireland. I am stuck with four of my guy friends talking about Marlboro cigarettes. And I am contemplating murder/suicide to keep myself busy, when a curvy dashing beauty catches our eye. Me and my other south Indian friend recognizes her to be a Tamil actress. I have a thing for celebrities, they make me happy. After grabbing Prabhanjan`s birthday card [that was the only piece of paper we had, it was his birthday]. I got her autograph and after a lot of coaxing from my friend posed for a pic with her. My friend made a random comment after sometime. That in the picture I look way better than I do in real life and she the reverse. [Now u can multiply me by a million and divide her by hundred crores. She still will look infinite times better than me. So guys! We are not comparing here]. And he compliments “You are very photogenic”. Now that’s something I have heard a gazillion times in my life. But this time I reconsider. And my mind wandered off to another discovery channel program about Princess Diana. Where they refer to her as the extremely photogenic princess. Made me wonder if she didn’t look this good in real life. Is that why Prince Charles never really loved her? Maybe Camilla Parker did look good in person. Hey! I began with a mistress story, so did I end with one. I sync!!


Anoop said...

the flow is really nice.good one.

Booker said...

I think Camilla is ugly, no matter if it's in real life or a photo...

Manikandan said...

Nice one...looks like u urself is confused abt the many things ,but nicely integrated and told....

cm chap said...

Nice one.. So u were n cloud nine??? BTW... no comparison to Diana.. She was the most charismatic in person as well

Anonymous said...

babes ...*hugs* and if you ever need a shoulder, you know a nice fat chubby rounded shoulder complete with the package of bitching about the person/situation and cracking lame jokes is available to you, just at a touch of your fingertips, just call and the genie (or is it genius) shall appear whenever you want her :-)

dont worry, this too shall pass :-)

Anonymous said...

hi Nasia,

you write veryyyy well, please take care of yourself ... dont be sad, please

Ghosty said...

hey.. another one of your shorter blogs ... and a good at that. But i like your long epic saga kinda posts...hehe makes me read them again !! :-)
so post some mahabharat blog soon buddy !!!

Bullshee said...

Hi Nasia,

You write verrrrry well indeed!! Evil grin....i can't help it, Arpz has infected me with evilness!!

And the post is ranting got a bony shoulder to cry on???? Skeletor maybe?

∂αѕ ¢нαмäℓєση said...

funky post.......Great read =D

arpana said...

@bulshee, restrict ur evilness where required ... no evil stuff on Nasia's blog, else hell hath no fury like two women scorned :D
and as for you-kno-wat, the arena where we unleashed our evility has been deleted!

Still Searching said...

Nice to have a new post from you again :) I checked your blog this morning and was going to leave a comment saying pls write soon again! :)) I dont know about Discovery, but its true that these days infidelity seems to be a lot more common... hmmm... wonder why...

And guess what? I actually said that about myself one day - that I look better in pictures than in real life! Haha!


haha..."im in sync"

that you are my lady...

wonder whats it with women n cleanliness...

i have a friend who needs an excuse to wash her clothes n clean the wardrobe....

its a weird be happy just throwing all my clothes to the dry cleaner...get it cleaned and ironed...n its packed in a u dont have to put a newspaper in the almirah...


in 5 mins youre done...

its not with you ...but this debate ive had with many friends...

why cant life just be simple...and fast...

why waste a weekend on clothes????

alrite...heres a tag for you ...

on the 10 weirdest thing about guys youve seen!!!!

Parasuram....Let Truth Be Your Guide said...

Nas another well written blog abt the beauty of nothingness u could give seinfeld a run for his money.....
I am very disappointed that I did not get to watch that program abt mistresses.....strange to hear though that feel very guilty one wonders why they did it in the first place.....

Zee said...

i dont quite have that issue...i look like a hippo in real life and on film rolls.......

was going to write who cares about photogeneticity (just made up the word) but the truth is i'd rather be photogenic....that's how many more generations will remember me....

Ye manzilen !! said...

Sorry that do not have a shoulder to cry on. Incidently, I have advertisd in the local news papers about the availablity of my shoulders for folks to lean or cry on. Perfect timing...

You also said that "celebrities" make you we are good on that front as well...

Peace Nasu, ....and don't cry over this offer....

Ye manzilen !! said...

One more thing Nasu,

Nice post, good flow... dil this rate Tum bahut tarakki karogi!!

aur haan..Aazadi Mubarak....

Thanku said...

How great it would have been to get the remote by giving it a missed call

Nasia said...

@Anoop: Thanks a lot! you seem to have started a trend. And thanks for reading.

@DJ : Heheheh! Have u seen her in real life? I too feel the same way though

@Manikandan:All the coaxing paid off atlast. Thanks for the comment!Keep reading

@CM-Chap: Cloud nine!! Why? i was feeling downer than ever.Being Called photogenic is not one of the compliments i appreciate. And about the Princess I have always felt its such a pity being loved by the entire world but not by your husband

@Arpz:I know you are there. thanks a lot Arpz. I think it has already passed. :-)

@Pavitra:Thanks and am truly sorry. :-(

@Arun:You call this a short one?? I thought its an epic saga kind..

@Bullshee: When did that encouraging blogger in you die? why evilness on my blog? All i can say is Ennodithu vendayirunnu!
Ranting!!!! for once u wrote abt India and stuff apart from your usual nonsense and everything else seems ranting for u!!! U RANT KING!

And dont give urself too much credit.. you are still a lil over weight so i dont think yr shoulders can be called bony. u wish!

@Walking death:Funky huh! Nice word.. Thanks

@Arpana: Thanks for the support i badly needed it. ;-)

@Still Searching:I actually update regularly. :-) infidelity is a scary scary thing. So do u like it. Looking better in pics?

@Nitin:first thanks for the tag. :-) And not all of us are as rich as you are.. to give it to the dry cleaners. But i do have a maid for washing clothes and i am strictly very strictly against washing clothes myself. :-) so they get washed, but folding is still my job sad!

@Parasu: Thanks For calling my blog nothing!!;-) Actually there are a lot of undercurrents to my nothing blog. :-). thank God u found it interesting.And Seinfeld is my fav show!

@Zee: I know you are a beauty in both real life and rolls. And even some of my other friends said the same thing, you show ur old pics to ur kids. Atleast then u look good.See there is a postive side to being fotogenic:-)

@Yeh:Nasu!!!! Oh My!! all this is very flattering. and abt shoulder.. even the best ones.. run off.. if i start crying.. i m being typecast as a cry baby these days. you c

@Sankaran:hahahahha.. my fav comment award goes to youuuu!! very very true.. Me miss yr blogs! Sob!

Ye manzilen !! said...

This is a limited time offer subject to terms and conditions. Group discounts available can avail of one shoulder at a time and you or your relative shud not be emploeyd by our company....

Customers serrvice rep are waiting on line..


Thanku said...

am honoured ..

Deepti George said...

sorry for having read it late, but luved it!!!..esp about finding happiness in yourself after running around for friends...

Deepti George said...

oh btw, theres another "other woman" in my blog.. fantastic phrase, fits in well for absolutey different contexts!!! ;)

Still Searching said...

Oh well, its nice to get compliments atleast sometimes, so if its in a pic, so be it! :))

Anonymous said...

If beauty is only skin deep, y think bout it so much. laugh it off! :) .. ha ha haaa (Vinay's laugh in 'bheja fry').

Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...

Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder..Camilla Parker does look quite OK to me atleast in the old photos :)

The Black King said...

Oh I so completely know that closet and clothes thingie... from a guy's way that is: my clothes beg to be washed :D

And Miss Photogenic, don't worry --- we all are here just in case you want to talk about anything, cry about anything or share a laugh or two about anything.

Prasoon said...

Nice one :)

Btw, I wanted to comment on assume but its gone - luckily its up on feeds :D - that was a beautiful one lemme tell you. [i]Why is Forbidden fruit always the sweetest?[/i] :-)

Nasia said...

@yeh:heheheh! Cant u jst wish me happiness so that i nevr need to cry again.. ;)

@Thanku: :)

@Deepti:Yeah, i found it novel too.. My friend might ask me patent rights for having put it up though.Other woman.. i luv it in hindi more.. pathi patni aur woh! :P

@Ruchika:ya! true..

@Fizz: "If" beauty is skin deep right.. I dont think so. Do u?

@Ajith: Hehehe! you hav a debate with Dj over camilla`s looks.. i will love that.. and have it on my comment page itself.

@Black King: begging to be washed.. heheh! I know you guys are there for me..thanks!

@Prasoon: You liked it!! wow! did u understand.. i too liked it.. but then it felt out of place in my blog.. :)maybe u can put it up as a comment here.. hehehhe!

Di said...

LOL! can totally understand the cupboard "situation"...and dont wry u have company.. :P my clothes always are cryin for attention too ..y cant those darn things just fold themselves..hrmpf :-/

And guy frnds do make the most interesting conversation....especially wen ur the only girl in the gp..yawn ...;)

Bullshee said...

I almost missed this horrendous harraungue on my person!!!

I reply: Unless you want me to write a scathing review which is biased and prejudiced, hold your tongue woman!!!

I exude evilness....that is my nature....and if you cross me, dire is thy path. For into the shadow of the valley of mockery shall you walk, and mine wrath shall know no bounds!!!

My usual nonsense!!!?Hmm....yeah it is nonsense....but its kick ass nonsense.... not

"i was watching a tv show and there was this person and i wanted to tell my friends but my friends was sleeping and they had bony shoulders and i was sad" a.k.a ur post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I seek blood...........!!!!
