Sunday, June 3, 2007
My mom tells me that as a kid I used to stay put at the doll section, till my dad bought me one of the Barbies . I remember sitting down on the carpeted floor of the mall, saying I wanted a soft doll which was the” in” thing then. Also my dad had to get me a make-believe kitchen set cause Haseena (my then-bestfriend) had one which she showed off. Explains I was thoroughly spoilt. It usually didn’t require much effort to get this part done. My dad gave in pretty fast . No crying, coaxing nothing. I don’t think I grew up to become a self centered selfish female(or am I?) , So I tend to always feel there is nothing wrong in being bought up the way I have been, till recently. I earn enough to get hold of the toys which fancy me today like a flashy mobile or an Ipod. But the most desirable of all things, is still out of my reach. Winning someone’s heart. It could be -your roommates so that she lets you snore at night without throwing you out , your iron Wala’s so that he decreases a fifty paisa for each dress he presses, your cab driver’s so that he is ready to wait for you when you have overslept, your Technical Lead’s so that he sends you for the recruitment next time in the King Fisher flight(yes I am obsessed with flights ). I have been pretty bad in winning people’s hearts (especially my Technical Lead’s) that I was wondering if I could just ask my dad to get it for me.
People tell me we never make friends in the corporate world. You just meet people, be with them and move on. Life goes on. Is it that simple, always? If the colleague who plans to move on to greener pastures also happens to be one of your closest friends. If you have spend every waking moment with them. If you are ready to wait two extra hours hungry just to enjoy dinner together. If you have watched every other movie sitting besides them and dozing off on each others shoulder. If you have plunged into everything happy, watery, sad or muddy together. If they understand what you feel just by a silent nod or an unhappy murmur. Will you still find it simple? Does life just go on in the absence of such people?
This one`s for you Patil and Raji. I am gonna miss you guys a lot.
Sensible Nonsense,
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Hey Nasia... I wish you get a Boyfriend soo, Kingfisher trip soon and watever u want...
My personal take on corporate world friendship is... I'm sure we all will get wonderful life long friends only if we are open for friends by coming out of the diplomatic world...In my case I have a wonderful person as my PM..over the years we have become the best friends.
I kinda agree that it's difficult making friends in the corporate world. It's possible, but difficult -- you can't help but have your guards on high. People come and go... and sometimes, if your lucky, you will find someone who will stay on your cell phone phone book for a while. It's a bittersweet outlook, yes, but just something I've learned for a while now.
first SL, now TL huh??;-)
the second paragraph struck the right cord...
they both truely deserve it...
P.S: heard that vijay mallya's got a son.
Personally, I try to keep my work and my personal worlds separate.
I have no desire to be 'friends' with my coworkers. makes life easier imo...
Hey nasia.. that was thought provoking.. :-)
well put... din expect it was gonna end the way it did, when i started reading...
guess what you have put forward is even more relevant in the software field where ppl keep jumping around like bunnies on a hot stove.
Its hi... hello... ba-bye... abe yaar.. Whatever happend to smellin all them damn roses??
take care :)
Hmm.....very senti senti post!! I'm not sure what to make of it.
i don't think the 'corporate world' thing is right though.I have a lot of friends from office who i'll never forget!We do spend 8 hours a day together after all! the earlier comment, i meant to say the 'corporate world' thing was wrong!
I agree with u completely....After spending all the waking hours in office u cant help getting close to somebody ;-)
and the part abt u being selfish na.... I dont think so at all.
and I enjoyed reading ur blogs...
keep it up though expecting more like the Nishabd one....Sheetal
hey you felt bad when one of ur friend left you going to leave all my friends and go ... don't know how am going to get through that...
@Cm-chap:Thanks for the good wishes.You are best friends with ur PM!!!!! WOW! Keep it up.
@Princess Banter:Yeah, heard many people say this.
@Prabhanjan:Havent u seen my TL!!! He looks nothing like my SL ;-).So intentions are totally different.
Thanks for the info about his son. Working my way to him.
@Dj: Thats Sad!
@Rakhi:Thanks dear..
@Confessions: Ya i m from the software world.
@Justso: Thanks
@Bullshee:At last someone who thinks like me. Some of my best friends are my colleagues and hence the senti senti post.
@Sheetal:M so Happy Polaris has opened the internet gates for you guys. Increasing my readers base!! and thanks a loooot for sayin i m not selfish :-)About Nishabd thought funny instances occur daily, writing something in a public forum needs rigorous thinking.Will try to write something as funny as that.
@Thanku : Stop reminding me that you too r leaving :-(
Spoilt kid.... you??? i guess not... or are you ;)???
"But the most desirable of all things, is still out of my reach"- well that is cruel life for you dear...
As of friends in the corporate world.. I did get some of my best friends here...
Will miss u 2 :(
hmm .. I don't know .. maybe i can comment on the 'corporate lifestyle' after some time ... I just moved out of it .. so commenting on it right now would not be fair. :)
there is no environment called a 'friend making' environment .. its US and the other person who matters .. if the chemistry is right .. it might happen in the most unlikely of places .. could be the dungeon .. could be the restroom ! *grin*
hi nas....
even i am going to miss u all
Would just like to say that i am going to miss you a lot in my life....Hope we get to spend some more years down the lane....Hope you remember me amidst all ur fans, friends and so called was a very senti blog....all I can say is, it touched my heart......Love u lots.....
@Lavan: Say it Lavan , Yes I am Spoilt
@raghav: Enjoy the 2 years!!
@Satish: :-(
@Raji: Luv u 2 :-(. Me will never forget you.
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